Monday, February 28, 2011

Top bespoken in New York

As per the best of New York review by the  NYmag we suggest you this bespoke brand.
It goes without saying that the service is taylor-made with around 6 weeks period for receiving your top class piece. Their specialty seems to be the seamless feature!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Light" walking

We discovered this shoes brand at our Spanish showroom last week. Made in Italy, Levius (meaning light in latin) aims to combine a street sneaker with a certain kind of leathered elegance. An attitude that's becoming a trend, where comfy shoes want to be stylish too.

Info @ Levius - for Spain distribution: doble-u

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another Allround traveller

We recently received this nice pic from GB, a serious traveller who never leaves his beloved personalized Allround at home. Now we are waiting for a full report of G's latest holiday in Zanzibar.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

News @ The Brandery II

Actually there were not many interesting brands at The Brandery and, after Bob Sdrunk, we fortunately found one as we really appreciated MA.STRUM stand. A new brand, at least for Europe, dedicated to produce jackets based on Massimo Osti's archive, historic designer and inventor of brands as C.P. Company and Stone Island.
Looking forward for next winter to enjoy the FW 2011 collection.